Ages 0 - 3 years old
We offer babies and toddlers a safe place to play during the service. Helpers are equipped to change diapers, bottle feed and offer age-appropriate snacks.
Please check-in your baby or toddler in the Nursery to give instructions and receive a name tag and number.
Ages 4 - 12 years old
Kids join the adults during Sunday morning worship, then are dismissed during the sermon for a Bible lesson, fun activities, and snack.
Please visit the Welcome Center before church to register your child and print a name tag for both of you. Please show your 'parent' name tag when picking up your child from their classroom or large group room after the service.
Adult volunteers agree with the Statement of Faith of Victory Church and have gone through a background check.
Our Children's Ministry is dedicated to providing a safe, uplifting environment for children to learn in.